Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/113

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Of the Lady’s Chamber

but turn your back upon me, in sooth, I shall be ready ere you may count fifty.”

“And so be it, and the Lord bless your pretty face,” said I, tickled with the child. Whereat I whisked about and stared out of the window into the night; and then for a humorous whim, I fell on counting the figures aloud, and as I did so, could hear behind me the noise as of a mouse rustling among garments. But presently, peering forth of the casement, I thought I discerned a man upon the further side of the alley, watching me, and with that I dropped quiet and drew back a bit. And thus it was that falling into oblivion of my delicate position, and the bargain with Miss, I was suddenly startled by the opening of a door behind me, and a new voice upon the silence; and jumping round I put my hand to my sword.

It was ill-done, being against my compact, but I had the excuse of my hazard, and I think she did not remember it against me in the odd event that succeeded. For there was my Miss, half-dressed, and showing the white round of