Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/114

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Galloping Dick

her shoulders, fallen back upon the bed with a very pale face; while over against the doorway was the newcomer, who first started herself, then stared, and finally broke into a rippling fit of laughter, which was very merry to hear.

“Fie! fie!” says she, “and you so young and milk-faced, sister. O you baggage!” says she, laughing.

Miss was now all ablush from being white, and seemed mightily confused; but seeing how the matter stood I stepped up myself, and says I bluntly, “I’ll swear, madam,” says I, “that she’s a vestal for me.”

“O Gad!” she cries, laughing louder, “you kill me, sure. I warrant you make my ribs ache. Nay, good sir, pray protest away. Lard, I like you for it. ’Sbud, but ’tis an easy costume, and I have tried it myself.”

But there Miss gets upon her legs again, with her rail clutched to her throat, and, “You mistake,” she says in a low tone, and all confusion, “I—this gentleman——

“Slidikins, you chuck, don’t deny it,” cries t’other. “Faith, I would not go back upon