Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/116

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Galloping Dick

covert. Why, the times is topsy-turvy when we have rebels in a bed-chamber. Well, Mr Rebel,” she said, “sure, you have a fine way with you. And a good tall fellow for the crows!” and she looked at me again. But meeting her eyes, somehow, for the life of me I could not refrain from going off into laughter on the same instant as herself. After which she gave me a roguish glance, and “So,” said she, “you have brought the law to besiege my doors. Well?”

I put my hand to my heart. “Madam,” said I, “I have of an accident put Miss here to the blush, and you to trouble. I think shame on myself, but ’twas not of purpose or proposal; and if you will allow me I will here take my leave.”

“Lard!” she cries, making an eye at me, “you are in haste to be quit of us. Sure, since you please Cynthia, we must do our best for you,” and then, tapping Miss upon the cheek, “Fie, sis!” she says, laughing, “you have excellent taste, you gixie, you. I shall yet make a woman of you.”