Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/117

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Of the Lady’s Chamber

But Miss drew back with a gesture, and looking all pink and warm like a peony-flower. “Oh, your ladyship is cruel,” she broke out with tears, “you deride me and you shame me.” T’other did nothing but giggle, being now taken in a further fit, and there was me standing stupidly, hat in hand, minding nothing to say, and vexed out of patience with this silly clutter. And in truth what would have come of it all I cannot say, but at that juncture a great rapping upon the outer doors sounded through the house.

“They are here,” cried Miss suddenly, started out of her tears. “Oh, sister.”

“Foh!” says her ladyship, “and indeed they may knock at my doors.”

“You must open to them, madam,” said I, “they are on the King’s warrant.”

She stamped her foot, and looked imperious; then frowning, encountered my gaze dubiously. “You think ’tis necessary?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Madam,” I says, “I am mad to be overmuch in your way, and I crave your pardon. Let me remove——