Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/133

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Of the Lady’s Chamber

“But an’ you keep your wits from the orgy, you may dance me to church to-morrow;” and she sent me such a languishing look as thrilled me to the reins.

“By God, that is so,” I said, all afire; and then she laid her hand in mine, and the impulse coming over me sudden, I drew her over with a movement, and kissed her loudly.

“O, you villain, you,” said her ladyship, but she laughed softly and held my hand still. But Sir Charles was gotten upon his legs, all yellow and purple, and his nose gleaming above the rest of his face; while Miss was all of a-tremble.”

“Sis,” she cried, “Sis, shame on you! You would take this jest too far.”

Her ladyship only laughed; and then old Mawkin stamps to the door, shaking his fist, and “You—you are a wanton—” he hiccuped, “odds—you—you——” and out he scrambles without finishing, and with our laughter after him. Then there was a moment’s pause, after which Miss turns and addresses me.

“I know not who you be, sir, nor what be