Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/134

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Galloping Dick

your business. That is between you and your conscience. But as you lay a claim to be a gentleman, you will see ’tis a late hour and the time for your leaving.”

For the life of me I could not say how it took me so, for I was never less in the mind to go; but there was that in her bearing and still more in her eyes that sobered me very swiftly; and all of a sudden I recalled that ’twas she that had befriended me in the first. With which I stood slowly on my feet, and “’Tis true,” says I roughly, but with an air of decision, “I had forgot the hours, and needs but I must be packing after Sir Charles. But if ’tis in my hand,” said I, looking at both of ’em studiously, “to return this pleasant entertainment one day, why here’s my word for to command me.”

“Fie! Cynthia,” puts in her ladyship sharply, ”you jealous malapert. Out, you shameless baggage, that would rob me of a husband!”

Miss shrank away, very still and white, and her ladyship turns to me, smiling. “What!” she cried, “you would take fright at this chitty-