Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/156

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Galloping Dick

Truscott’s jade, that died a natural death, in course, last seventh of August. Why,” says he, “I have known gentlemen of this kidney now for twenty years, and I’ll warrant I never put eyes upon a braver figure of a man than Galloping Dick. This is some nobleman’s by blow, surely, Captain Irons,” says he, addressing him but watching me.

“Now, damn you!” I cried, getting off my seat, “an’ you have not the civility to quit, I’ll take leave to quoit you forth myself.”

Old Irons stuck out an arm to hold me, being turned very white in the gills at the jars upon himself, but I was scarlet with fury, and I drew a knife on Grubbe.

“Ha!” says he, not changing his tone, but keeping his eye warily upon me, and slipping dexterously aside, “’tis a mettlesome lad. I’ll wager him against a shipload of his Majesty’s officers.” Then, “Put that down,” says he in another voice, very sharp, but still quiet. I looked at him, and he burst out laughing. “O fie, Ryder,” he said, “to take a jest like this! Come, my cock, come; put up that gully and