Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/157

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Of the King’s Treasure

drink for me to a fine moon to-morrow evening. I’ll warrant we all love a moon. ’Tis a fine sight to watch the heavens sprinkled with stars and to know that the Lord Almighty is upon His throne.” And chuckling to himself over his blasphemy, he called up the landlord with some wine.

But though I was embarked upon this business, and that in a kind of fellowship with him, I would see the rogue burst ere I kept him company. And the truth was that I was now maddened to be linked with him, but I durst not go back upon Creech, as I considered coming forth of the tavern; and, moreover, I had myself drawn Zacchary Mills into the same excursion, a lad of spirit, with a serviceable weapon and a merry pair of lungs. And so it fell that we made the venture, as had been agreed, upon the next evening.

The coach was bound for Chatham, with kegs of his Majesty’s guineas for the ships there, and first I must post down the road early in the afternoon to determine a position for our ambuscade. I reckoned to come up with the