Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/202

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Galloping Dick

force of his weight dismissed me sprawling, and ere I could pull myself up, there was three of ’em sitting upon my body.

So there was the curtain down upon that part of the play, and the Jug for me, sure enough. But I should not ha’ minded so much had it not been for Grubbe, who came about me discharging his jests with an air of affectionate condolence. It was “Poor Dick! And that you should have come to this after all Timothy’s warnings!” And it was, “Ah, Dick, the Lord abideth His time to avenge Himself on evil-doers.” And then he would turn to his bum-bailies—(Damn them!)—and beg them to take care of me, for that I was a fastidious young gentleman of tender nurture, whom His Majesty destined to high promotion. But I said never a word in answer, and kept my lips tight until they had delivered me in Newgate. I was not going to let Timothy Grubbe raise a sound out of me.

There was sorry company in the Jug, but I could have ordered things tolerably, for it held a cracksman or two I knew pretty well