Page:Marriott Watson--Galloping Dick.djvu/203

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Of my Incarceration in the Jug

by sight; only the next trick the knave played on me was to have me laid in irons and disposed in a solitary cell. It was declared that I was a desperate fellow, and the dubsman told me with a grin that he had long hoped for the pleasure of my fellowship, and had kept his best set against my coming. I dare say this was true enough, for there were few parts of the country but I was as well known as the King himself. Moreover, those that enjoyed the liberties of the Jug would have spread my name; to witness which, it was a brave reception I got upon my entrance. But to be chained within a lonely chamber, without ever the chance of a diversion, went against my stomach. And the place was foul to boot, and full of rats.

Here I lay for some time, until my case was heard at the Assizes. Now, Grubbe was a cunning devil, and I knew that ’twas not of the Chatham coach I should hear, seeing that was too delicate a business upon which to hazard his own reputation. But there was plenty against me without that, and first of all up