Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/103

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BAR BANKRUPT LAWS. The law for and against Bankrupts. 8vo. In the Savoy. 1743. BANKS, PERCIVAL W. Railways of Europe and America, considered with reference to science, legislation, and public advan- tage. . Remarks and suggestions concerning the Trial of Controverted Elections, or returns of members to serve in Parlia- ment. 8vo. London. 1838. Famphlet. This pamphlet adds one more to the numerous proofs already exist- ing, of how much easier it is to find fault with the work of others than to show how things may be done better — to call the Reform Bill a piece of most clumsy legislation, than to give any reasonable and tangible remedy for its defects." 2 Jurist, 330. BANKS, SIR J. Argument of in the Exchequer Chamber, Dec. 16, 1637, in the case of the ship money. 4to. London. 1637. Pamphlet. BANKS, SIR THOMAS. Dormant and extinct baronage of Eng- land, or an historical and genealogical account of the lives, public employments, and most memorable actions of the English nobility, who have flourished from the Norman conquest to the year 1809. 3 vols. 4to. London. 1807-9. BANKTON, . Institutes of the Laws of Scotland in Civil Rights, with observations on the agreement and diversity between them and the laws of England. 3 vols, folio. Edinburgh. 1750. BANNISTER, S. Reports of Judgments by Sir Orlando Bridg- man, when Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, from M. T. 1660, to T. T. 1667. Edited from the Hargrave manuscripts. 8vo. London. 1823. BAR, THE. A Poem, with sketches of eminent Judges, Barris- ters, &c. 8vo. London. 2d ed. 1825. BARBOUR, 0. L. and E. B. HARRINGTON. An Analytical Digest of the Equity Cases decided in the Courts of the several States and of the United States, from the earliest period ; and of the decisions in Equity in the Courts of Chancery and Exche- quer, in England and Ireland, and the Privy Council and House of Lords, from Hilary Term, 1822; and forming, with the third 91