Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/13

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A. a.(a) B. b. Accepted.

Ab. Sh., or Abb. L. S. Abbott on the Law of Shipping.

Abr.(b) Abridgment.

Abr. Ca. Eq. Abridgment of Cases in Equity.

Acc. Accursii Glossa, Accord.

A. S. Act of Sederunt.

Act. Acton's Reports.

Act. Reg.(c) Acta Regia.

Ad. Eject. Adams on Ejectment.

Add. Addams' Ecclesiastical Reports.

A., or Addis. Addison's Reports.

Adj. Adjudged, Adjourned.

A. & E., or Ad. & El. Adolphus and Ellis' Reports.

A. & E., N. S.C(d) Adolphus and Ellis' Reports, New Series.

Adm. Admitted, Admiralty, Administrator.

Ag., or Agr. Agreed, Agreement.

Aik. Aiken's Reports.

Ala. Alabama Reports.

Al. & Nap. Alcock and Napier's Reports.

A. Prin. Alison's Principles of the Criminal Law.

(a) In law books, A. is used to designate that the paging is the first of that number in the book, and D. that a number used at the top of a page denoting the folio is the second number of the same page; e. g. 26 a., 26 b. A similar use is made of the first letters of the alphabet when an author wishes to insert a new section in the body of his work, without changing the number of sections; o. g. $ 26, $ 26 a., $ 26 b., &c. For other uses of the letters of the alphabet see Encyclopedia Britannica.

(b) In old law books, this abbreviation sometimes refers to Dalton's Abridgment of the Office of Sheriffs.

(c) This work is an abridgment or abstract of Rymer's Fædera.

(3) These Reports are also cited as 1,2, &c, Queen's Bench Reports; c. g. 1 Q. B., is the same as 1 A. & E., N. 8., and so of the other volumes of the New Series.1