Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/14

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A. Prac. Alison's Practice.

Al. Aleyn's Reports.

Alln. Part. Allnatt on Partition.

Amb. Ambler's Reports.

A. C. U. S. Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Amd. Amended.

Amer. Jur. or A. J. American Jurist.

Amer. Ch. Dig.(e) American Chancery Digest.

Am. & Fer. Amos and Ferard on the Law of Fixtures.

Anc. Dial. Exch. Ancient Dialogue upon the Exchequer.

And. Anderson's Reports.

Andr. Andrews' Reports.

Ang. Adv. Enj. Angell on Adverse Enjoyment.

Ang. Ass. Angell on Assignments.

Ang. Limit. Angell on Limitations.

Ang. Tid. Wat. Angell on Tide Waters.

Ang. Wat. Cour. Angell on Water Courses.

A. Queen Anne.

Ann.(f) Annaly's Reports.

A., An., Ann. Anonymous.

A. B.(g) Anonymous Benloe.

Anst. Anstruther's Reports.

Anst. Guide. Anstey's Guide to the Laws relating to Roman Catholics.

Anth. N. P. Anthon's Nisi Prius Cases.

App. Apposition.

Ap.Bre. Appendix to Breese's Reports.

Appleton (h) Appleton's Reports.

Ap. Justin. Apud. Justinianum.

Arch. B. L. Archbold's Bankrupt Law.

Arch. C. P. Archbold's Civil Pleading.

Arch. Cr. P. Archbold's Criminal Pleading.

(e) There are two works known by this name, namely, one by J. D. Campbell and J. Cambreleng, and another by J. D. Wheeler.

(f) These Reports are sometimes cited as Annaly's, but more frequently as Cases Tempore Hardwicke. Sec Cunningham, post.

(g) This abbreviation refers to a Collection of Cases adjudged in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Mary and Elizabeth. They were collected by William Dalison, and are sometimes cited as Dalison's Reports. Being frequently bound with Benloe's Reports, sufficiently explains the abbreviation. Notes of some of these cases may also be found in Ash's Tables and at the end of Keilway's Reports. See Benloe, post.

(h) These Reports are usually cited as 19 and 20 Maine Reports.