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COM for the press himself, they had appeared in another dress." The Cases, generally, are briefly and carelessly reported, and uniformly have been treated with disregard. Bridg. Leg. I3ib, 78; 1 Bur. 36^214; 1 Bro. Ch. Ca. 97; 4 D. & E. 412 ; 6 Bligh. N. R. 360. COMMENTARIES on the Laws of England, principally in the Order, and comprising the whole Substance, of the Commentaries of Sir W. Blackstone. 8vo. London. 1819. on the Statutes on Real Property. By the editor of the Legal Observer. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1833-34. COMMENTARY on the Rights of Minors, under the Saving Clause in the Scotish Statute, 1671, c. 12, anent the Prescription of Heritable Rights. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1828. COiMMERCIAL CODE. The Commercial Code of France, in French and English ; with the Motives or Discourses of the Coun- sellors of State, delivered before the Legislative body, illustrative of the Principles and Provisions of the Code. Translated from the French, by John Rodman. 8vo. New York. 1814. COMI^ON LAW COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. Proposed Regulations and Forms as to Process, Arrest, and Bail, in the Superior Courts of Common Law ; with an Appendix of the present Bills of Costs in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer. 8vo. London. 1829. See Fair. COMMON LAW REPORTS. See English Common Lata. COMMONS. The Act for the enclosure of Commons in England and Wales; with a Treatise on the Law of Rights of Commons, in reference to this Act; and Forms, as settled by the Commis- sioners. 12mo. London. 1846. COMPENDIOUS LIBRARY OF THE LAW. Containing Laws relating to Parish Officers, Game, Landlords and Tenants, Juries, and Laws against Idle and Disorderly Persons. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1757. COMPENDIUM of the Law of Husband and Wife. By a Soli- citor. 8vo. London. 1831. COMPLETE PARISH OFFICER; containing the authority of Constables, Church Wardens, Overseers, Surveyors, &c. ; to which is added, Sir F. Bacon's Office of Constables. 16th ed. with great Additions. 12mo. London. 1772. 216