Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/267

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DAV to the tenth James I. The reporter possessed uncommon legal acquire- ments, and this volume is a monument of his learning and accuracy. Its merits, for some time, were not appreciated in England, for no reason that appears, except a national peculiarity which is slow to acknowledge the value of any production that is extraneous to the " four seas." When the volume was cited in a case reported in Palmer, Jones, J. remarked, " Davies^s Reports, ne sont canonical" and Doddridge said, " lis fueront fails pur Ic jneridiati de Ireland solementy Lord Kenyon, however, in later times, recognized their value, and says they are cited as authority in England, They were translated into English, 8vo., Dub- lin, 1762. Palmer's Rep. 462 ; Guthrie's Princ. of Eng. Law, Pref. 4; 4 Term Rep. 194; Pref. East's PI. Cr. 9; Wallace's Reporters, 31, §24. DAVIES, SIR JOHN. Reports of Cases in the Law in the King's Courts in Ireland, 2d to 9ih James, with a learned preface dedi- cated to Lord Chancellor Ellesmere, and a large Table of the principal matters, which is sometimes wanting, translated into English. 8vo. Dublin. 1763. o . Question concerning Impositions, Tonnage, Pound- age, Prisage, Customs, &c., fully stated and argued. 8vo. Lon- don. 1656. DAVIES, THO. Laws relating to Bankrupts, with several Spe- cial Cases, Modern Determinations, and Precedents ; also a List of the Fees in Bankruptcy, and the Method of Proceeding therein ; to which is added an Appendix, containing some addi- tional Cases, &c. fol. London. 1744. DAVIES, DAVID. The Juryman's Guide, or the Englishman's Right ; containing the Antiquity, excellent designed Use, Duty, and just Privileges of Juries, by the Laws of England ; in a Dia- logue, by Sir John Hawles ; with a new Preface, including neces- sary Directions for Jurymen, &c. 8vo. London. 1779. DAVIES, JOHN. A Collection of the most Important Cases respecting Patents of Invention, and the Rights of Patentees, which have been determined in the Courts of Law since the Sta- tute for restraining monopolies ; to which are added some Prac- tical Observations resulting from the Decisions on the several Cases. Svo. London. 1816. aation. Pref. to Phil. 255 These Cases are held in high estimation. Pref. to Phil, on Pat.