Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/285

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DOU DOMESDAY-BOOK. A Short Account of Danegeld ; with some further particulars relating to AVilliam the Conqueror's Survey. By P. C. Webb. 4to. London. 1756. " In this little essay is brought together, in one view, all that had been said by former historians and antiquarians on the subject of Domesday." 1 Reeves' Hist. Eng. Law, 220, n. DONNELLY, R. Cases in the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. London. 1837. DORSEY, JOHN L. A Treatise on the American Law of Insol- vency. Svo. Baltimore. 1832. DORSEY, W. Lectures upon the Principles and Practice of the Action of Ejectment in Maryland ; with Notes and References to the present time. By R. W. Gill. 8vo. Annapolis. 1841. DORSEY, CLEMENT. The General Public Statutory Law, and Public Local Law of Maryland, from the year 1692 to 1839, inclusive. 3 vols. Svo. Baltimore. 1840. . The Statutory Testamentary Law of Maryland, M-ith the Decisions of the Courts thereon. Svo. Baltimore. 1838. DOUGLAS, JOHN. Letter to Henry Brougham, Esq., on Law Reform in Scotland. Svo. London. 1830. DOUGLAS, SYLVESTER. History of the Cases of Contro- verted Elections, during the 1st and 2d Session of the 14th Par- liament of Great Britain; with an Introduction of the Jurisdiction of the House of Commons, in the Trial of Controverted Elec- tions. 2d ed. 4 vols. Svo. London. 1802. Mr. Hargrave says : " It is with great pleasure that we cite Mr, Doug- las' work, as it affords the opportunity of congratulating the student on the accession of a collection of excellent Reports on the law of parlia- mentary election, accompanied with an instructive historical preface, and very judicious annotations, and is the only work of the kind except one lately published from lIr. Glanvill's manuscript; and that they are both particularly valuable on account of their tendency to diffuse the know- ledge of a branch of law which before was too much confined to the narrow circle of the few favorites in possession of the practice." 3 Co. Lit. 109, b.; Hatsell's Free. 23; Brookes' Bib. Leer. Ang. 248. 18 273