Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/617

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REM Briefs Originals et cles Choses concernants eux. fol. London. 1687. " I have," says Lord Coke, " a register of our Writs, originally written in the reign of King Henry II., (in whose time Glanville wrote,) containing the original Writs, which were long before the Conquest, as in the said Preface to the third Part appeareth ; and yet, also, remaining in force, &c., which is the best book j'ct extant of the Com- mon Law, and so ancient as the beginning whereof cannot be showed." The compilation of this very ancient book has been ascribed to Ralph de Hengham. It was printed as early as 1531, but the fourth imprint is much enlarged, and more accurate than any preceding edition. Its authority in former times was very great, but it is now " a piece of juri- dical antiquity ; and is oftener recurred to as a matter of historical curiosity than of practical use. The selection made by Fiizherbert is abundantly more than sufficient for the few inquiries now made into the nature of Writs." 8 Co. Rep. Pref. 23; (10) Pref. 24 ; Dug. Orig. 56; 4 Inst. 140; Nic. Eng. Hist. Lib. 84; Plowd. 229; 1 Stra. 158; 2 M. &S. 436; Co. Lit. 159, a; 16, b ; 73, b; 1 Bos. & P. 122; Willes, 48 ; 4 Reeves, 426-433 ; Pref. Fitz. N. B. REGNAULT, TH. Tableaux analyliques de I'Esprit des Lois de Montesquieu, suivis de la Comparison de plusieurs principes et passages de Montesquieu et de Blackstone. fol. Paris. 1824. REGULA PLACITANDI ; a Collection of Special Rules for Pleading, from the Declaration to the Issue in Actions Real, Personal, and Mixed ; with the Distinction of Words ; also, Directions for Laying of Actions; with Observations touching Averments, Notice, Request, or Demand, &;c. Svo. London. 1691 or 1694. RELIGIO .TURISPRUDENTIS; or, the Lawyer's Advice to his Son in Counsels, Essays, and other Miscellanies, calculated chiefly to Prevent the Miscarriages of Youth, and for Olhodox establish- ment of their Morals in years of Maturity, per Philanthropum. 12mo. London. 1685. REMARKS on the Administration of Criminal Justice in Scotland, and the Changes Proposed to be Litroduced into it. Svo. Edin- burgh. 1825. REMARKS on Criminal Law ; with a Plan for an Improved Sys- tem, and Observations on the Prevention of Crime. 8vo. Lon- don. 1834. 605