Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/618

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REP RENOUARD, A. C. Traite des Droits d'Auleurs dans la Lillera- ture les Sciences et les Beaux-Arts. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris. 1838. REPERTORIUM JURIDICUM ; an Index to all the Cases in the Year Books, Entries, Reports, and Abridgments in Law and Equity; beginning with Edw. I., and continued down to this time. 2 Parts, fol. London. 1742. See Tomlins. The compilation of this work is ascribed to Kennett Freeman. A second edition of the first part, with additions, by T. E. Tomlins, ap- peared fol. London. 1786. REPORT of Trials connected with the Disputes between the Earl of Selkirk and the North West Company. 8vo. London. 1819. REPORTS of all the Cases determined by Sir John Holt, from 1681 to 1710 ; containing many Cases never before printed, taken from an original MS. of Thomas Farresley, Esq., also several Cases in Chancery and the Exchequer Chamber, fol. London. 1738. See Cases; Holt ; VI. S- VII. Mod. This volume is composed of a selection of Lord Holt's decisions from other Reports, with the addition of MS. Cases never before published. The learning and authority of Lord Holt's judgments is of the highest character, and they settled, for the first time, many important points rela- tive to the law of Contracts. They are distinguished for perspicuity and simplicity of expression, and by a logical precision in the arrangement of the arguments, as well as for strong sense and acuteness. Lord Holt's name gave a sanction to every thing he said ; than whom few more able lawyers ever sat in Westminster Hall. 11 L. M. 60; 19 A. J. 403; 7 T. R. 743 ; (6) 423 ; 3 Y. & J. 112 ; 14 East, 145 ; 1 M'Cl. & Y. 317 ; 9 L, 0. 272 ; but see 1 Wills, 15 ; 2 Eden, 64. REPORTS and Cases of Practice. See Cooke. REPORTS ^em^j. Hardwicke. See Cases; Cunningham; Ridge- way; JVest. REPORTS temp. Finch. See Chancery. REPORTS temp. Queen Anne. See Modern Reports. REPORTS of Cases in Chancery. See Chancery ; and GilberVs Reports. REPORTS of Cases in K. B. See Cunningham. REPP, T. G. On the Trial by Jury, in Scandinavia and Iceland. Edi 606 8vo. Edinburgh. 1832.