Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/619

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RHO RETORNA BREVIUxM. 12mo. London. 1519. These returns of writs were several times printed, and may also be found at the end of Kitchen on Courts. . The New Ketorna Breviwn, concerning the Re- turn of Writs in the Courts of Chancery, Exchequer, King's Bench, &c. To which are added many special Notes and Obser- vations. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1738. REVIEW of the Laws of the United States of North America, the British Provinces, and the West Lidia Islands, with Select Pre- cedents and Observations upon divers Acts, and a Comparison of the Courts of Law and Practice, with that of Westminster Hall. 8vo. London. 1789. REVIEW. A Commentary and Review of Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws ; to which are annexed. Observations on the 31st Book, by the late M. Condorcet; and two Letters of Helvetius, on the Merits of the same Work, by M. Tracy. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1811. REVIEW of the recent State Prosecutions in Ireland. By a Bar- rister. 8vo. liondon. 1845. REVISED STATUTES. See each of the States in the Index. REVUE Etrangcre de Legislation et d'Econome politique, par une Reunion de Juris Consultes et de Publicistes Francais et Etran- gers; publiee par M. Foelix. 10 tom. 8vo. Paris. 1831 — 44. REY, JOSEPH. Des Institutions Judiciaires de I'Angleterre comparees avec eelles de la France, et de quelques autres Etats anciens et modernes. 2 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1826. REYNOLDS, H. R. Considerations on the State of the Law re- garding Marriages with a deceased Wife's Sister. 8vo. London. 1840. REYNOLDS, T. C. De vera Judicii Juralorum origiiie, natura et indole. 8vo. Heidelbergse. 1842. RHODE ISLAND. The Public Laws of the State of Rhode Is- land and Providence Plantations, as revised by a Committee, and finally enacted by the Honorable General Assembly, at their Ses- sion, 1798. 8vo. Providence. 1798. 607