Page:Master Frisky (1902).djvu/90

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as ever; but he always had a little limp in one hind leg, and that bad scar on his head. But in other ways he was a changed dog. His obstinacy had entirely disappeared; and instead of disagreeing with everything and everybody, he was very agreeable and social.

The dogs were quick to notice it, and tried to help him.

"How pleasant Dan is!" said Master Frisky to Ned one day. "I don't understand it. Let's not call him Obstinate Dan any more, for he is not obstinate."

"All right," said Ned; "let's tell all of the dogs about it."

And from that day he was never called Obstinate Dan again; but when the dogs saw how kind and obliging he had grown, they gave him another name, which he bears to this day. It is Clever Dan; and if a dog is in trouble, he can find no better friend and comforter than Clever Dan.