Page:Master Frisky (1902).djvu/91

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Chapter XV.
Old Spot and Master Frisky.

The strangest of all the friendships among the dogs was that of Old Spot and Master Frisky. Spot was an aged hound, as deaf as a post, and partly blind. He was a homely old fellow, with long, drooping ears, a solemn expression, and a tail that curled over his back in a perfect circle.

It was he who taught Master Frisky mice-hunting and frog-hunting; and Frisky, in time, learned of the old hound most of that woodcraft that he had patiently gathered in many years.

One morning I went to the garden for some vegetables, and seeing Spot and Master Frisky in the orchard, paused to find out what they were up to. Old Spot was standing perfectly still in the grass, upon all-fours, as a dog usually stands; but Master Frisky was standing on his hind legs, resting his forepaws upon Spot's shoulder, looking intently now in this direction and now in that.

Presently he gave a sharp bark, and the two dogs started through the grass running at the top of their speed, Frisky leading. But soon they stopped, and after nosing around for a