Page:Memoir of the Reverend David Wilson (1).pdf/16

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The splendid scenes beyond the verge of time
Remain unknown till Christ himself appears.

But as yon sun in splendour far outvies
The darkest orb in Heaven′s exalted sphere,
So high in glory shall the Pastor rise,
Who has been faithful to the death while here.

Then sainted Priest of eloquence and worth,
Enjoy on high thy sceptre and thy crown,
Well hast thou earn′d them whilst thou wast on earth,
Immortal is thy name and thy renown.

O! Calvin′s sons, well may you weep his loss,
′Twas he your doctrine nobly could defend;
All human merit he decried as dross,
To sovereign grace he taught the heart to bend.

His Saviour′s death and blood were all his plea,