Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/1134

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1879 he projected a series of " Sketch- i Lectures " on Zoology, illustrating ^em by extemporaneous drawings in coloured pastils upon a large can- vas. These Sketch-Lectures have been delivered in all the principal Institutes in England and Scotland, and arrangements have been made for their delivery throughout the United States.

WOODFORD, The Right Rev. James Russell, D.D., Bishop of Ely, was born at Henley-on-Thames April 30, 1820, and after a prelimi- nary training at Merchant Taylors' School, was sent to Pembroke Col- lege, Cambridge, where he took his B.A. in 1842, obtaining honours as a Senior Optime in the Mathemati- cal Tripos, and as a second-class man in the Classical Tripos. He was ordained deacon in 1813, and priest in 1845. Mr. Woodford held the incumbency of the new district church of St. Mark's, Easton, be- tween Stapleton and Bristol, from 18^i7 to 1855, when he was presented by Bishop Monk to the vicarage of Kesapsford, Gloucestershire j this living he held down to 18G8, when he was chosen by the trustees of the parish church and vicarage of Leeds as successor to Dr. Atlay in that important position, on the elevation of the latter to the See of Hereford. He was also for some years examin- ing chaplain to the late Bishop Wilberforce, who, in 18G7, bestowed on him an honorary canonry in Christ Church, Oxford ; and he was appointed Select Preacher before the University of Cambridge in 1864, 1867, and 1873. He was nomi- nated to the Bishopric of Ely, when Dr. Harold Browne was translated to Winchester; and was consecrated in Westminster Abbey, Dec. 14, 1873. Dr. Woodford is the author of several volumes of " Sermons," " Lectures,'^ &c., including *' Ser- mons Preached before the Univer- sity of Cambridge," '* Lectures on the Creed,'* "Lectures on the Church, Past and Present j" and he was the editor of the third

series of " Tracts for the Christian Seasons."

WOODS, Sib Albert William, F.S.A., was born in 1816, being a son of Sir William Woods, who filled the office of Grarter King-at- Arms from 1838 until his death in 1842. He entered the College of Arms as Portcullis Pursuivant in 1838, was appointed Lancaster Herald in 1841, and became Regis- trar of the College in April, 1866. He was advanced to the office of Garter Principal King-at-Arms, Oct. 25, 1869, in succession to Sir Charles George Young, deceased, and received the honour of knight- hood on the 11th of the following month. He was attached to the missions for investing the King of Denmark, the King of the Belgians, and the Emperor of Austria with the Order of the Garter. Sir A. W. Woods holds the office of Regis- trar and Secretary to the Order of the Bath, Registrar to the Order of the Star of India, and King-at- Arms to that of St. Michael and St. George.

WOOLNER, Thomas, R.A., was born at Hadleigh, in Suffolk, Dec. 17, 1825, and received his education in a school at Ipswich. When only thii-teen years of age he evinced a talent for sculpture, and he was placed in the studio of William Behnes, under whose able guidance he studied with great diligence for six years, acquiring remarkable skiU as a sculptor, and becoming an ac- complished draughtsman. His first models were of a poetical and his- torical character. *' Eleanor sucking the Poison from Prince Edward's Wound " was exhibited at the Royal Academy (1843), and a life-size group of " The Death of Boadicea " in Westminster Hall. The latter attracted particular attention, and was regarded as a work of great promise in the inventive or ideal style of sculpture. Following up this success, Mr. Woolner exhibited fi^esof "Puck" and of " Titania with her Indian Boy " at the British