Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/1138

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ancient MSS. ; a " Tonr in Italj ; *' " Sermons on the Church of Ire- land^ her History and Claims ;*' "On Union with Eome;" "Ser- mons on the Maccabees and the Church/' 1871; "An Answer to the Apostolic Letter of Pope Pius IX. ;'^ "A Charge to the Diocese of Lincoln," 1870; "A Lecture on Art, delivered at St. Mary's Church, Nottingham, in connection with the proposed Museum of Art on the Castle HiU in that town," 1875. Dr. Wordsworth edited the "Cor- respondence of Richard Bentley, D.D." He married, in 1838, Su- sanna Hatley Frere, daughter of George Frere, Esq., of Twyford House, Berks, a niece of the Bight Hon. John Hookham Frere, the friend of Canning. In July, 1883, he announced that he was about to resign his See.

WBATISLAW, The Rev. Al- BEBT Hbnbt, M.A., born in 1821, and educated at Rugby School, and then at Christ's College, Cambridge, of which he was successively Scholar, FeUow, and Tutor, gradu- ated B.A. in 1844, taking high honours. He was elected Head Master of the Grammar School, Felstead, in 1852, and of Bury School on the resignation of Dr. Donaldson in 1855. In 1879 he resigned the Head Mastership of Bury, and accepted the Vicarage of Manorbier, near Tenby, in Pem- brokeshire. He has written "Lyra Czecho-Slavonska, Bohemian Po- ems, translated," published in 1849 ; " Queen's Court Manuscript, with Bohemian Poems," in 1852; "EUisian Ghreek Exercises," in 1855 ; " Barabbas th« Scape-goat, Sermons," in 1859; "Notes and Dissertations on Scripture," in 1863 5 " Plea for Rugby School," in 1864 ; " The Adventures of Baron Wratislaw of Mitrowitz in his So- journ and Captivity at Constanti- nople, at the end of the sixteenth century j " and " The Diary of an Embassy from King George of Bohemia to Louis £[. of France,

in 1464," both translated from the Bohemian-Slavonic ; " Life, Legend, and Canonization of St. John Nepomucen," 1873; school-books, pamphlets, and magazine articles ; " Lectures on the Native Literature of Bohemia in the 14th century," 1878; "Life of John Huss," 1882, published by the Society for Pro- moting Christian Knowledge.

WRIGHT, William, LL.D. bom in India, Presidency of Ben- gal, Jan. 17, 1830, was educated at St. Andrews, Fife, and Halle, Prussia. He was appointed Pro- fessor of Arabic in University Col- lege, London, in 1855; in Trinity College, Dublin, in 1856 ; Assistant in the Department of MSS. in the British Museum, in 1861 ; Assistant Keeper of the MSS. in 1869 ; Pro- fessor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge in 1870. He is a Fellow of Queen's College, Cam- bridge; LL.D. honoris causdij, of Cambridge, Dublin, Edinburgh, St. Andrews ; and Ph.D. honoris causd, of Leyden; Correspondant de I'ln- stitut de France ; corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg, the Royal Aca- demy of BerHn, the Kdnigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften of Gottingen, and the Reale Istituto Lombardo; honorary member of the Deutsche Morgenlandische Gesellschaft, of the American Oriental Society, and of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. He has pub- lished " The Travels of Ibn Jubaii- (Arabic)," Leyden, 1852; " Ana- lectes sur I'Histoire et la Litt6ra- •ture des Arabes d'Espagne par al- MakkajTi, livres i-iv," Leyden, 1855 ; " The Book of Jonah in four Ori- ental Versions, with Glossaries," London, 1857 ; " Opuscula Arabica," Leyden, 1859 ; " A Grammar of the Arabic Language," 2 vols., 2nd ed., London, 1874r75; "The Kamil of el-Mubarrad" (Arabic), edited for the German Oriental Society, Leip- sic, 11 parts, 1864-82 ; " Contribu- tions to the Apocryphal Literature of the New Testament" (Syria- 4 g