Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/234

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His troops took part in the battle of the Alma, and he was himself wounded by a splinter of a shell, which struck him on the breast and hand. Marshal St. Arnaud resigned six days after the first battle in the Crimea, and the command of the Army of the East was transferred to General Canrobert. Although commander-in-chief, General Canrobert was again in the the thickest of the fight at Inkerman (Not. 5), and whilst heading the impetuous charge of Zouaves was slightly wounded, and had a horse killed under him. In May, 1855, finding that impaired health no longer permitted him to hold the chief command in the Crimea, he resigned to General Pelissier, and soon after returned to France. He was treated with great distinction by the Emperor Napoleon, and was sent on a mission to the courts of Denmark and Sweden. At the commencement of the Italian war, in 1859, General Canrobert received the command of the 3rd corps of the Army of the Alps. He exposed himself to great danger at Magenta, and at Solferino had to effect a movement which brought valuable assistance to General Niel. General Canrobert was afterwards made a Marshal of France, Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour, and an Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Bath. In 1860 he married Miss Macdonald, a Scotch lady. In June, 1862, he commanded at the camp of Châlons, and succeeded the Marshal de Castellane in command of the 4th corps d'armée at Lyons, Oct. 14. Subsequently, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Paris. At the time of the declaration of war by France against Prussia, in 1870, he had the command of an army corps. On the 6th of August the Crown Prince of Prussia attacked the united army corps of Gens. Macmahon, De Failly, and Canrobert, drawn up in position at Woerth, and gained a complete victory over the French. Marshal Canrobert was soon afterwards shut up in Metz, with Marshal Bazaine, and on the capitulation of that fortress, he was sent prisoner into Germany. After the preliminaries of peace had been signed he returned to France, where he met with a favourable reception from M. Thiers, who did not, however, appoint him to any command. After having declined the offer of a candidature for the National Assembly in 1874, in the Gironde, and in 1875 in the Lot, Marshal Canrobert, after some hesitation, allowed his name to be proposed in the department of Lot, at the Senatorial elections of Jan. 30, 1876, by the party of the Appeal to the People, and on the second scrutiny he was elected by 212 votes out of 385 electors. His term of office expired in Jan., 1879, when he again became a candidate for the department of Lot, but was defeated. Later in the same year, however, he was elected Senator for Charente, in the room of the late M. Hennessy, the distiller. He accepted this unsolicited election as "a homage paid to the army in the person of the doyen of its chiefs."

CANTERBURY, Archbishop of. See Benson, Dr.

CANTÙ, Cesare, historian, was born at Brivio, near Milan, Sept. 5, 1805. When only eighteen years of age, he became Professor of Literature in the College of Sondrio, in the Valteline, from whence he went to Como, and thence to Milan. He embraced the Liberal cause, and his "Reflexions on the History of Lombardy in the Seventeenth Century," published at Milan, excited the hostility of the Austrian Government, and he was imprisoned for three years. In his captivity he wrote an historical romance, "Margherita Pusterla," 1835, a work which has often been compared to the "Promessi Sposi" of Manzoni. He has composed various religious hymns, and his poem "Algiso," his "Letture Giovanelli," which have