Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/422

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demble distmction. He examined for the Matiiematical Tripos no fewer than eleven tdmes^ and he was eQ)eciaU J prominent as an ad- Toeate for the ▼arions important changes which were e£Pected in the scheme of the Mathematical Tripos exuninatiofn. For a considerable period lie was a member of the Council of the Senate^ and he was also a member of Tarions syndicates and hoards in the University. He v&s elected Master of Cains College, in saceesaioii to Dr. Guests Oct. 27, 1880. He is the author of an " Ele- mentary Treatise on Trilinear Co- ordinates," 1861 ; and " Elementary Treatise on. Spherical Harmonics/' 1S77. In. 1871 he edited and pub- B^ed the mathematical writings of the late George Green. Prom 1857 tie was joint editor with Pro- feaaoT Sylvester of the Quarterly JovntoZ of Mathematics, and he has been a frequent contributor to its pages. In 1876 he was elected a Chovernor of St. Paul's School, and in 1877 a PeUow of the Koyal Society.

FEKBT, Juuss PaANijois Ca- ]Cci.T.s, a French statesman, born at Saint Bi^ (Vosges), April 5, 1882, stixdied law at Paris, where he was admitted to the bar in 1854. He joined the group of yonng lawyers wHo aided the Deputies in maintain- ini^ constant opposition to the Em- pire;, and he was one of those con- demined in the famous trial of the " thirteen " (1864). He also became connected with joomalism, and he pobliahed, in 1863, a pamphlet entitled " La Lutte ifelectorale," in which he exposed the method so persistently practised under the Smpire, of electing official candi- date. He joined the staff of the Tempt in 1865, and won new renown for himself by contributing to that jonmal a series of articles on cur- rent poUUcB, as well as by the ter- rible analysis which he bestowed npon the aocoonte of Baron Hauss- numn. Prefect of the Seine, whb was then occupied in rebuilding Paris,

and who consequently handled very large sums of money. These latter articles were republished in book form, under the title of " Comptes Fantastiques d'Haussmann." He had previously made, in 1863, an nnsuccessfol attempt to secure his election to the Corps Le^slatif; but in 1869 he was better known, and he was elected, on a second scrutiny, by 15,729 votes, from the sixth circonscription of the Seine, and he took his seat among the members of the Left. He was a member of several important com- missions, including that which was appointed to consider the extraor- dinary budget of the city of Paris. Among the propositions submitted by him to the Chamber was one relating to the election of the Municipal Council of Paris, and another for abolishing the jurisdic- tion of the High Court of Justice, which had just acquitted Prince Pierre Bonaparte. He was one of the deputies of the Left who de- manded the dissolution of the Corps LSgislatif, on the ground that it no longer represented the majority in the country. On the occasion of that demand he engaged in a heated discussion with ^^mile Ollivier, in which he reproached the latter with having dishonoured his father's name, and for having brought dis- credit on Bepublican fidelity. Fore- seeing that the war with Prussia would be disastrous, he, with his colleagues of the Left^ voted against the fatal declaration. At the Revo- lution of Sept. 4, 1870, he and the other Paris Deputies were pro- claimed members of the Govern- ment of the National Defence, located at the H6tel de Ville. On the 5th he was appointed Secretary to the Government, and on the 6th he was charged with the adminis- tration of the Department of the Seine. When the Commimal in- surrection of Oct. 31, 1870, occur- red, he placed himself at the head of the column which was to charge the rioters at the H6tel de Ville,