Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/425

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FEUILLET, Octave, a French noyelist and dramatist, born at Saint-L6 (Manche), Aug. 11, 1812, was sent to the College of Louis-le- Grand, at Paris, where he greatly distinguished himself. Under the name of Desire Hazard, he com- menced his literary career in 1844, by contributing, in conjunction with Paul Bocage and Albert Au- bert, to a romance called the " Grand Vieillard," which appeared in the National, Since that time he has been a constant contributor to newspapers and reviews, and has written for the various theatres comedies, dramas, and farces, nearly all of which have been received with favour by the public. He was elected in 1862 to fill the chair in the French Academy left vacant by the death of M. Eugene Scribe, and in the following year was made an officer of the Legion of Honour. Afterwards he was appointed Li- brarian of the Imperial Residences, which x>osition he held imtil the revolution of Sept. 4, 1870. His most remarkable dramatic produc- tions are — "La Nuit Terrible," "Le" Bourgeois de Eome," "La Crise," "I^ Pour et le Centre," "P^ril en la Demeure," "La F^e," "Le Village," "Dalila," "Le Eo- man d*un Jeune Homme Pauvre," " La Tentation," " La Redemption," "Montjoye," "La Belle an Bois dormant," "Le Cas de Conscience," and "JuHe," "La Cl^ d'Or," a comic opera, and " L'Acrobate." Among his novels are, "Polichi- nelle," 1846; "Onesta," 1848; "Re- demption," 1849 ; " Bellah," 1850 ; "Le Cheveu Blanc," 1853; "La Petite Comtesse," 1856; "Le Ro- man d'un Jeune Homme pauvre," 1858, which has been translated into many languages; "Histoire de Sibylle," 1862, scarcely less popular thaii the preceding ; " Mon- sieur de Camors," 1867, a story remarkable for invention and vi- gOTir; "Julia de Tr^cosur," 1872; "Un Mariage dans la Monde," 1875; and "Le Journal d*une

Femme," 1878. He has also w] ten, jointly with Paid Bocage^ nuinber of other dramas, and he 1 published several poems,

F^VAL, Paul Hbnbi Corent a popular French novelist, born Rennes, Sept. 27, 1817, was bred the law, and called to the bar his native place; but soon ab£ doned the legal profession, a turned author. He has written astounding number of novels, ma of which had a large circle readers. Some of these have be translated into English, viz: "The Loves of Paris," translat by J. W. Ross, 1846 ; "The Duk Motto," translated by B. Browi 1863 ; " The Woman of Mystery translated by J. Stebbing, 18€ and "Thrice Dead," 1869. M. I val was made* an officer of the I gion of Honour in 1869. In 18! M. F^val's " conversion to Catho practice " was recorded in the re gious newspapers, and in the f lowing year he published a i)amp let in defence of the Jesuits.

FFOULKES, Edmttnd Sali BUBT, B.D., born at Eriviatt, De high, Jan. 12, 1819, was educate at Shrewsbury School, and Jes College, Oxford. He was appoint* Fellow, and subsequently Tutor, his college, but he resigned bo appointments in 1855, on beii received into the Roman Catho] Church. He re-entered the Chun of England in 1870. In 1876 1 was presented to the rectory Wigginton, Oxfordshire. M Ffomkes is the author of " Manual of Ecclesiastical History "The Counter Theory," "Christe dom's Divisions;" two letters Archbishop Manning, viz., "T] Church's Creed and the Crowi Creed," and " The Roman Index ; " The Athanasian Creed, by who written, and by whom publuhed ; " Difficulties of the Day, and Ho to Meet Them; Eight Sermoi preached at St. Augustin's Churcl Queen's Gate," 1872; and oth< minor works.