Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/588

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stone to Mr. Airy, the Astronomer- Koyal, he received a post as assist- ant to the Magnetical and Meteoro- logical Department of the Royal Observatory. For a period of three months, in 1843, Mr. Hind was engaged in the Government expe- di^on sent to ascertain chronologi- cally the longitude of Valentia, in Ireland. He received the appoint- ment of observer in the private observatory of Mr. G. Bishop, of B^gent's Park, in June, 1844. In this year he was admitted a Fellow of the Astronomical Society. He published his first work — " Solar System"— in 1846. In 1847 he accepted the Foreign Secretaryship of the Boyal Astronomical Society. During the following year he was elected a corresponding member of the Soci^t^ Philomatique of Paris. For his discovery of a planet in February, 1847, he received a gold medal from the King of Denmark. He published his " Expected Return of the Great Comet of 1264 and 1556," in 1848. On September 13, 1850, he discovered^' Victoria." In May of the same year he was chosen a corresponding member of the National Institute of France, to succeed the late Professor Schu- macher. "Irene" he discovered May 19, 1851; "Melpomene," Jime 24, 1852 ; " Fortuna,^' August 22, 1852 J "Calliope," November 16, 1852; and "Thalia," December 15, 1852. His "Astronomical Vocabulary" appeared in 1862. During the same year he was awarded the gold medal of the Royil Astronomical Society ; was granted a pension of JB200 per annum j published his " Replies to Questions on the Comet of 1566," and received for the third time the Lalande Medal, from the Academy of Sciences, Paris, and a prize of about 300 trtkuca, for the discovery of four new placets in the short period of a year. His " Illustrated London Astronomy" appeared in 1853. In the same year he dis- covered on the 8th November,

"Euterpe;" and "Urania" on July 22 of the following vear. The " Elements of Algebra was pub- lished in 1855, and his " Descrip- tive Treatise on Comets" in 1857. He has contributed his observations to the Transactions of the Royal Astronomical Society ; the publica- tions of the Paris Academy; the Agtronomische Nachrichten ; Comptes Rendus; Nature; the Athenamm; and other periodicals. At the annual meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, held on Feb. 13, 1880, he was elected president for the ensuing year.

HINGESTON-BANDOLPH, Thb Rev. Fbancis Chables. {See Ran- dolphJ

HITCHCOCK, RoswELL DwioHT, D.D., LL.D., born at Machias, Maine, Aur. 15, 1817. He graduated at Anmerst College in 1836. After graduation he was principal of an academy at Jaffrey, New Hampshire, 1836-7 ; he entered Andover Theological Seminary in 1838; was a tutor at Amherst 1839-42; taught in several semi- naries, and in 1845 became pastor of a Congregational church at Exeter, New Hampshire. In 1852, having passed a year in study at Halle and Berlin, he resigned his pastorate, and became Professor of Natural and Revealed Religion in Bowdoin College. In 1855 he was appointed Professor of Church History in Union Theological Seminary, New York, a position which he still holds. In 1866 he travelled in Italy and Greece; in 1869 in Egypt and Palestine ; and in 1871 was chosen President of the American Palestine Exploration Society. On the death of Dr. Adams in 1880 he succeeded him as President of the Union Theo- logical Seminary, still retaining his professorship. From 1863 to 1870 he was one of the editors of the American Theological Review, to which he furnished many papers, mostly upon ecclesiastical history. Besides discourses and sermons, he