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tions, owing chiefly to strong differences of opinion among its members as to the policy of the Government with regard to the Eastern Question, and the maintenance of the Army establishment; and it was found impossible to reunite them. Under these circumstances an appeal to the country was imperative, and arrangements were at once made for a general election. As soon as the result of the elections was known Prince Auersperg's Ministry resigned, and on Aug. 13 Count Taafe, the late Minister of the Interior, was charged with the formation of a new Cabinet.

AUFRECHT, Theodor, LL.D., M.A., an orientalist, born at Leschnitz, Silesia, Jan. 7, 1822, and educated in the University of Berlin. He was appointed Professor of Sanscrit and Comparative Philology in the University of Edinburgh in 1862. On April 21, 1875, that university conferred on him the degree of LL.D., and shortly afterwards he left Scotland for Bonn, where he had been appointed Professor of Sanscrit. Professor Aufrecht has published "A Complete Glossary to the Rig Veda, with constant reference to the Atharva Veda;" "De Accentu Compositorum Sanscritorum," Bonn, 1847; "Halayudha's Abhidhanaratnamala; a Sanscrit Vocabulary, edited with a Complete Sanscrit-English Glossary;" "The Hymns of the Rig Veda, transcribed into English Letters," 2 vols., Berlin; and "Ujjvaladatta's Commentary, the Unadistras," from a manuscript in the Library of the East India House (Lond., 1859).

AUGIER, Guillaume Victor Émile, dramatic poet, born at Valance (Dôme), Sept. 17, 1820, and destined for the bar, soon, however, devoted his attention to literature. His first piece, "La Ciguë," a two-act drama, in verse, refused in 1844 by the directors of the Théâtre Français, on account of the youth of the author—he was only twenty-four—was received at the Odéon. The directors of the Théâtre Français, made aware of their mistake (1845), admitted "La Ciguë" into its repertory, and it is still played with success. In 1849 appeared "Gabrielle," which gained the Monthyon prize from the Academy. "Le Gendre de M. Poirier," a comedy, written in conjunction with M. Jules Sandeau, appeared in 1855; and in the same year "Le Mariage d'Olympe," a drama in three acts. In 1858 he published a collection of " Poésies," containing some pretty idyls. Among his later works are "Les Effrontés," 1861; "Le Fils de Giboyer," 1862; "Maître Guérin," a comedy in five acts, "Paul Forestier," a comedy in four acts, "Les Lions et les Renards," 1871; "Jean de Thomeray," written in conjunction with M. Jules Sandeau, 1873; "Madame Caverlet," 1876; "Le Prix Martin," 1876; "Mademoiselle de la Reynie," 1876; and "Les Fourchambault," performed at the Théâtre Français, April 8, 1878. M. Augier has been called the "poet of good sense," in contradistinction to some of his contemporaries. He was elected to succeed M. Salvandy in the French Academy, Jan. 28, 1858, received the Legion of Honour in 1850, was made Grand Officer June 19, 1858, and Commander Aug. 15, 1868.

AUMALE (Duc d'), Henri-Eugène-Philippe-Louis d'Orléans, prince of the family of Orleans, born in Paris, Jan. 16, 1822, the fourth son of the late king Louis-Philippe and his queen Marie-Amélie, was educated, like his brothers, in the Collége Henri IV., and at the age of seventeen entered the army. In 1840 he accompanied his brother, the Duke of Orleans, to Algeria, took part in the campaign which followed, returning to France in 1841, and he completed his military education at Courbevoie. From 1842 to 1843 he was again in Algeria, where, at the