Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/850

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great taste for music. She became quite proficient on the violin, learned the flute, and attended fairs and other places of public resort, at which she sang^ accompanying her- self on the violin. While perform- ing in this manner at a fair at Ljungby, in June, 1857, her extra- ordinary powers attracted the at- tention of Mr. F. G. Tom^rhjelm, a gentleman of influence, who rescued her from her vagrant life, and placed her at school first at Halmsta^, and afterwards at Stockholm, where she was instructed by M. Franz Berwald. She made her first appearance at Stockholm in 1860, went to Paris, continued her musical education under Masset and Wurtel, and came out at the Theatre Lyrique, Oct. 27, as Violetta in the " Traviata," with such success that she was engaged for three years. She made her £rst appearance in London at Her Ma- jesty's Theatre in 1867, proved the great operatic attraction at that es- tablishment during the season, and has since performed here with con- stantly increasing success. More recently she paid a visit to the United States (1870), where, within less than a year, she is said to have cleared ^0,000. After a Trans- atlantic trip of two years she re- appeared at Drury Lane Theatre, May 28, 1872, in "La Traviata." She was married at Westminster Abbey, Aug. 27, 1872, to M. Auguste Kouzoud, the son of an eminent French merchant. (He died at Paris Feb. 22, 1882.) Madame Nilsson made a farewell appearance in New York, April 16, 1883, before a crowded audience, thus closing the most successful concert tour ever conducted in the United States.

NINA, His Eminence Lobenzo, Cardinal Deacon of the Holy Eoman Church, was born at Eecanati, near Ancona, May 12, 1812. He was a member of a middle-class family, hifl father being a notary. From his earliest years he manifested decided ability. He commenced his studies in literature and philo-

sophy in the seminary of his native town, and afterwards took his Doc- tor's decree in theology and law in the University of Bome. In 1835 he was ordained, and from that time followed the regular course of the Curial Prelature, rising steadily and rapidly, confining himself chiefly to the study of the canon law. Monsignor, afterwards Car- dinal, di Pietro, who was then Auditor of the Eota, chose him for his Secretary. The Cardinal Pre- fect of the Congregation of the Council also appointed him his auditor, and he distinguished him- self so notably in that capacity that he was shortly afterwards made Under-Secretai^ of that CJongrega- {ion. About the same time he also became Auditor to Cardinal Amat, Vice-Chancellor of the Holy Eoman Church. Later he was made a member of the Congregation of the Advocates of St. Ivo, and inscribed among the Prelates of the Parco Maggiore, one of the principal col- leges into which the Vatican Prela- tiire is divided. He received a Canon's stall in the Basilica of St. Peter's, and was employed by Pius IX. in many delicate matters re- quiring ability and judgment. In these he acquitted himself so much to the late Pope's satisfaction that his Holiness named him Assessor of the Holy Office. In 1869 he was appointed member of the preparji- tory commission for the ecclesias- tical discipline of the Vatican Council, Eeferendary of the Segna- tura, and Apostolic Protonotary and Consul of the Holy (Congrega- tion of Bites. He was numbered among the domestic Prelates of Pius IX., and finally was elected Prefect of the Pontifical Lyceum of Santa Appollinare. At the Con- sistory, held on March 12, 1877, I Pius IX. created him Cardinal, j conferring upon him the title of St. Angelo in Pescheria. In Aug. I 1878, Poi)e Leo XIII. appointed him 1 Pontifical Secretary of State. His I Eminence also became Prefect of 8 H