Page:Merchant Shipping (Security of Ships and Port Facilities) Rules (Cap. 582A).pdf/15

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L. S. NO. 2 TO GAZETTE EXT. NO. 10/2004
L.N. 130 of 2004

Stephen IP
Secretary for Economic Development and Labour

28 June 2004

Explanatory Note

These Rules are made under the Merchant Shipping (Security of Ships and Port Facilities) Ordinance (13 of 2004) (“the Ordinance”) to implement the December 2002 amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (“the Convention”) and the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code and related provisions in the Convention.

2. Part 1 sets out the definitions necessary for interpreting the Rules and sets out certain functions that the Director of Marine may execute for the purposes of the Ordinance and these Rules.

3. Part 2 provides for security-related requirements to be complied with in relation to ships and sets out restrictions that are imposed in respect of ships.

4. Part 3 provides for security-related requirements to be complied with in relation to port facilities and sets out restrictions that are imposed in respect of port facilities.

5. Part 4 contains miscellaneous provisions on appeals and fees.