Page:Merry tales of the wise men of Gotham (9).pdf/12

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( 12 ) TALE VII A Man of Gotham, that did not love his wife, and fhe having fair hair, her hefband faid divers times, he would cut it off; but durft not do it, when fhe was awake, fo he refolved to do it when fhe was afleep ; therefore one night he took up a pair of fheers, and put them under his pillow ; which his wife perceiving,faid to one of her maids, go to bed to my hufband, for he intends to cut off my hair to night, let him cut off thy hair, and I will give thee as good a kirtle as ever thou didft fee, The maid did fo, and feign- ed herfelf afleep, which the man not perceiving cut off the maid’s hair, and wrapped it about the fheers, and laid them under the pillow,and went to fleep.The maid arofe, and the wife took the hair and fheers, and went to the hall, and there burned the hair. The man had a fine horfe that he lov- ed much, and the goodwife went in to the ftable, cut off the horfe’s tail, wrap- ped the fheers up in it,and then laid them under the pillow again.Her hufband feeing her combing her head in the morning, marvelled very much