Page:Merry tales of the wise men of Gotham (9).pdf/13

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( 13 ) thereat. The girl feeing her mafter in a deep ftudy, faid what the devil ails the horfe in the ftable? He bleeds pro- digioufly. The man ran into the fta- ble, and found the horfe's tail was cut off; then going to his bed, he found the fheers wrapped up in his horfe’s tail. He then went to his wife, faying, I crave thy mercy, for I intened to cut off thy hair, but have cut off my own horfe’s tail.Yea, faid fhe, felf-do, felt-have.Many men think to a bad turn, but turneth oft-times to themfelves. TALE XIX. A man of Gotham laid his wife a wager, that fhe could not make him a cuckold. No! faid fhe, but I can. Do not fpare me, faid he, but do what you can. On a time, fhe had hid all the fpiggots and faufets, and going into the buttery, fet the barrela broach, and cried to her fpoufe ,Pray bring me a fpiggot and faucet, or elfe the ale will all run out. He fought up and down, but could not find one.Come here then, faid fhe, and put thy finger in the tap-hole.Then fhe called a tai- lor with whom fhe bad made a bargain.