Page:Merry tales of the wise men of Gotham (9).pdf/19

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( 19 ) faid he, gar her as fhe’d fing, whip whire. This fhews that all men de light in their fancy. TALE.XIX. IN old times, during thefe tales, the wives of Gotham were got into an ale houfe, and faid,They were all pro fitable to their hufbands.Which way good goffips, faid the ale wife ? The firft faid, I will tell you all good gof fips ; I cannot brew nor bake, there fore I am every day alike ; and go to the ale-houfe, becaufe I cannot go to the church, and in the ale houfe l pray to God, to fpeed my hufband, and I am fure my prayers will do him more good than my labour.Then faid the fecond. I am profitable to my hufband, in faying of candle in winter, for I caufe my hufband and all my people to go to bed by day-light,and rife by day-light.The third faid, I am profi- table in fparing bread, for I drink a gallon of ale, I care not much for meat. The fourth faid, I am loth to fpend meat and drink at home, fo I go to the tavern at Nottingham, and drink wine, and fuch other things as God; fends me there.The fifth faid, a man