Page:Merry tales of the wise men of Gotham (9).pdf/20

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( 20 ) will ever have more company in ano- ther’s houfe than his own,and moft commonly in the ale-houfe. The fixth faid my hufband has flax and wool to fpare, if I go to othet folks’ houfes to do their work. The feventh faid, I fpare both my huband's wood and clothes, and fit talking all the day at other folks fire.The eight faid, beef, mut- ton, and pork are dear, I therefore take pigs, chickens, conies and capons, be- ing of the leffer price.The ninth faid, I Ipare my husband’s foap, for inftead of wafhing once a week, I wafh but once a quarter. Then faid the ale-wife I keep all my husband’s' ale I brew from fouring; for as' I wont to drink it almoft up, now I leave never a drop, T A L E XX. ON Afh Wednefday, the minifter of Gotham would have a collection from his parifhioners; and faid unto them. My friends, the time is come that you muft ufe prayer, fading, and alms, but come ye to fhrift, I will tell you more of my mind. But as for prayer, I don’t think that two men in the parifh can fay their Pater-nofter. As for fafting, you faft ftill, for you have not a good