Page:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu/574

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Bravo, General, 137.
Brocklehurst, T. U., 156, 241, 525.
Bacarelli, Tivoli of, 58.
Buena Vista Station, City of Mexico,
Bull-fighting, 149; accidents in, 546;
demoralization occasioned by, 544;
excessive craze for, 529; journals
and criticisms on, 544; possible explanations of the revival of, 540;
revival of, 517.
Bulls, best breeds of, 545; nomenclature of, 544; Spanish, 546.
Business customs in Mexico, 101.
Bustamente, General, 137.


Cabo, or head of gang, the, 84.
Cabrera, 122.
Cacique, a, 90.
Cæsarism, 146.
Cafés, 112.
Cajones, the, 285.
Calabasas, 80, 459.
Calderon de la Barca, Madame, 15, 88, 261.
California, 277, 291; Gulf of, 291.
Calle de Jesus, old palace in, 50.
"Calvary and Tabor," 132.
Camino de pajaros, a, 98, 264.
Campeachy, steamer to, 1.
Campos, Martinez, Captain-general, 8.
Cañadas of Cholitla and Zopilote, 284.
Canal of La Viga, 152; of San Lazaro, 163.
Caribbean Sea, 14.
Caritas, or little faces, 34.
Carpio, 130.
Cathedral of Mexico, 40.
Catholic Church in Mexico, 278.
Cattle, hornless, 250.
Causeways to City of Mexico, 65.
Celaya, 82, 87.
Cemeteries, 20, 126.
Cervantes, leading Mexican family,
172; kidnapping of, 172.
Chalco, Lake, 47, 158; town, 160.
Chapala, Lake, 88.
Chapultepec, 62, 516.
Charnay, 193, 521.
Chihuahua, 81.
Chilean mill, the, 233.
Chilpancingo, 283.
Chinampas, the, 155.
Chinese, resemblance to the Mexican
Indians, 169.
Cholula, town and great pyramid of,
Chorrera, 12.
Church property, devoted to secular
uses, 117; sequestration of, 50,
Cinco de Mayo, national fête, 20,
"City of Grenada," Pacific mail steamer, 289.
City of Mexico, 37; abodes of various
classes, 42, 50; Academy of Fine Arts at, 120; American capture of, in 1847, 65; American hotel proposed in, 67; approaches to, 35; architecture of, 50; cafés of, 112; cathedral of, 41; cemeteries of, 126; climate of, 54; clubs, foreign, of, 112; custom-house of, 37; drainage of, 46, 83; English-speaking foreigners in, 54; environs of, 149; equestrian fashions of, 65; flower-show in, 45; funerals of, 50; future of, 60; Government offices, simplicity of, 118; hackney-coaches of, 37; Iturbide Hotel of, 38, 54; Jockey Club of, 516; Mochos, the, 108; National Library of, 116, 263; National Loan Establishment of, 41, 101; National Museum of, 119; National Palace of, 41; old Spanish nobility, remnant of, 107; picturesque costumes of, 41; plaza, the,