Page:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu/575

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of, 40; police of, 65; prices in, 37;promenades of, 64, 152; quietness of, 38; schools of, 116; Shields, General, charge on, 66; shopping in, 103; shops of, 48, 104; social manners and customs in, 107; statues in, 65; system of taxation in, 68; tivolis, or
pleasure-gardens, of, 58; tramways in, 45, 48; villa sites of, 67; wedding in high life in, 110; Zócalo, the, of, 42.
"City of Mexico," shop at Puebla, 106.
Civil Code, the, 68.
Clerks, Mexican, 104.
Climate, 33, 54, 97, 213, 263.
Clouds, beauty of, in Mexico, 194.
Clubs, 112,516.
Coal-fields, 80, 511.
Cocoa-nuts, 286.
Coffee culture, 203.
Cofre of Perote, the, 15.
Colima, 87.
Colleges, 116.
Colonies, 523.
Colonization, 523.
Columbian Sea, the, 14.
Commercial agency, a, 524; methods in use by, 96.
Commercial traveller, the, 105.
Commercial treaty, 100, 513.
Communistic outbreaks, 160.
Concessions, railroad, 92.
Concha, Captain-general of Cuba, 8.
Concordia restaurant, the, 58.
Conductas, or treasure convoys, 101,
Confederate exiles in Mexico, 60, 201.
Conkling, statements of, 524.
Cordoba, 28, 201.
Cornish stamp, the, 233.
Coronado Island, a quarry on, 459.
Corpus Christi, Texas, 87.
Cortez, 13, 18, 24, 29, 164, 214, 213,
222, 268; sea of, 77.
Costumes, national, 26, 41, 212.
Cotton factory at Orizaba, 200.
Count of Regla, the, 107, 230.
Country life, 245; fare, 271.
Courage, Mexican, 66.
Courtship, Mexican, 110.
Court-yards, interior, system of, 50.
Cradle of the human race, 169.
Crosses marking death by violence,
Cuantelpostle, 184.
Cuatitlan, 149, 529.
Cuautla, 185, 187; railway celebration at, 188.
Cuba, debased currency of, 7; frauds
on marine of, 7; heart of, 8; insurrection in, 7; lottery system of,
7; preparation for Mexico, a, 12;
railway journeying in, 11.
Cuellar, 108.
Cuenca, 130.
Cuernavaca, 266; pottery of, 187.
Culiacan, 74.
Custom-house, 510; at City of Mexico,
37; at El Paso, 510; at Paso del Norte, 510; at Vera Cruz, 22.


Danza, the, 110.
De Castro, 130.
De Gress, 74.
De Rodas, Captain-general of Cuba, 8.
Denver and Rio Grande Railway, 87.
Diaz, Ponciano, 548.
Diaz, Porfirio, General and President,
139, 185, 276, 522, 528.
Diego, Juan, 152.
Diligencia, travel by, 174, 227, 266.
Dolores cemetery, 45.
Drainage cut, the great, 83.
Drainage problem of the City of Mexico, 46, 517.
Duelling, 265.
Dulce, Captain-general of Cuba, 8.
Durango, town of, 82; railway (Sinaloa and Durango), 74.