Page:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu/581

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Sacro Monte, 177.
Salamanca, 82.
Saltillo, 514.
San Angel, 152.
San Blas, 81, 290; "The Bells of," 291.
San Cristoval, Lake, 46.
San Fernando, old college and mission
of, 440.
San Fernando, Panteon of, 126.
San Francisco, Cal., 277.
San Juan d'Ulloa, 16.
San Juan Teotihuacan, 34, 192, 520.
San Lazaro Canal, 163.
San Luis Potosi, 61, 77, 82, 87, 511.
San Rosario mine at, Pachuca, 231.
Sanchez, character in fiction, 106.
Sanchez, Delfin, 185, 530.
Santa Ana village, 219.
Santa Anita, 154, 156.
Santa Anna, General and President,
128, 134.
Santa Clara coal-fields, 80.
Santa Cruz village, 167.
Santa Gertrudis mine at Pachuca, 230.
School of Fine Arts, 120.
Schools and institutions, 116.
Scott, General, 26, 66.
Sculpture, 126.
Sea of Cortez, 77.
Security of travel, 90, 515.
Senate, hall of the, 118.
Serape, the, 41.
Shields, General, 66.
Shopping, 103.
Shops, 48, 104.
Silao, 82.
Silver money, 101.
Sinaloa and Durango Railway, 74.
Smuggling, a native view of, 287.
Social life, 107, 260.
Soldiers, 127.
Sombrero, the, 27.
Sonora Railway, 74, 80.
Southern element in Mexico
(American), 60.
Spanish-American deftness in
rhyming and speech-making, 12.
Spanish civilization in Mexico, 88.
Spanish family names, system of, 197.
Spanish Main, the, 5, 14.
Spanish steamers to Mexico, 2.
Statistical view of the railways, 73.
Steamer routes to Cuba, 1, 2, 4.
Steamer routes to Mexico, 1, 13, 289.
Steamship line, a native Mexican, 522.
Students, appearance of, 117.
"Study of Mexico, A," 515, 527.
Subsidies to the press, 128.
Sugar haciendas in Mexico, 190, 198.
Sugar plantation in Cuba, a, 12.
Sullivan, James, 87.
Sulphur extracted from Popocatepetl,
178, 183.
"Sun of May" (El Sol de Mayo), the
(novel), 131, 132.

Table-lands, the, 31.
Table Mountain, 459.
Tacubaya, 45.
Tajo of Nochistongo, 47, 83.
Tamaulipas, 77.
Tampico, 77, 81, 511.
Tariff, the Mexican, 22.
Tax reform, pressing need of, 528.
Taxation of real estate, 68.
Tehuantepec Railway, 74.
Tehuantepec ship-railway, 74, 511.
Tenement-houses in City of Mexico,
Tepenacasco, hacienda of, 241, 245.
Tereros, Pedro, Count of Regla, 107,
Texas, revolt of, 134.
Texcocingo, 171.
Texcoco, Lake, 46, 162; town of, 164.
Text-books, 117, 134.
Theatre-going, 112.
Theatres, 112, 198, 211.
Tiles, architectural use of, 19, 52, 106.