Page:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu/582

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210; manufacture of, at Puebla,
Tinecal, the, 253.
Tlahuac, 158; submerged habitations
at, 159.
Tlalpam, 152.
Tlamaca, 178.
Tlaxcala, 218.
Todos Santos colony, 523.
Toltecs, the, 85, 161, 170.
Toluca, 87, 89, 514.
Topography, Mexican, 31.
Topolobampo Railway, 74, 77.
Topolobampo, town of, 78.
Tramways as part of the railway
system, 73.
Tramways in City of Mexico, 48.
Treasure convoys, or conductas, 101.
Tree-planting in the Valley of Mexico,
Treviño, General, 142.
Tula, 83.
Tulipan, the, 29, 195.
Tuxpan, 77.
Tuxtepec, plan of, 141, 522, 528.

Valladolid, change of name, 188.
Valley of Mexico, 35, 125.
Vegetable growths, 31, 202, 285.
Velasco, landscape-painter, 125.
Velasco, mining hacienda, 239.
Vera Cruz, 15, 16; comparative
decadence of, 512; customs service at,
22; defects as a port, 16, 20;
efforts to remedy, 21, 522; journey
from, to City of Mexico, 24;
quarantine regulations at, 22;
United States consul at, 21; voyage
to, 13; yellow-fever at, 21,
Victoria, General, 137; town of, 77.
Viga Canal, the, 152.
Villa life near the capital, 152.
Villa sites, new, 67.
Village, a typical Mexican, 151.
Ville de Brest, steamer, 13.
Vincente Lopez, 264.
Virgin of Guadalupe, 152.
Viscaynas, the, 117.
Votes cast in election of 1871, 140.

Wages of mill-hands, 100; of farm-
hands, 255.
Wages paid to laborers on railways,
Warner, Charles Dudley, 524.
Wedding ceremony, a, 110.
Wells, David A., 515, 524, 527.
Wild animals, 286.
Windom, Senator, 74.
Writers about Mexico, 524.

Xaltocan, Lake, 46.
Xico, 159.
Xochimilco, Lake, 47, 156.

Yaquis, the, 80.
Yautepec, 511.


Zacatecas, 82, 102, 149,511.
Zaragoza, General, 20, 21.
Zaragoza, poet, 130.
Zarzuela, the, 114.
Zatuapan River, 224.
Zihuataneso, 77.
Zumpango, Lake, 46.