Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/29

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The Mining System of Mexico before 1810; Changes which occurred from that time till 1823, when the idea of Foreign Companies was first suggested. The number of these Companies now established in Mexico, with some account of their Outlay; the Extent of the Undertakings in which they are engaged; the Difficulties which they have had to encounter; their Progress; more particularly during my Residence in Mexico: — and State in 1827. 392
Whether the large Capitals which have been remitted to Mexico, and invested in the Mines by British Subjects, and on British Account, are likely to be productive of adequate Returns to the Adventurers; and within what period it may reasonably be expected that these Returns will become sufficiently considerable to make the general Produce of the Country again equal, or ultimately exceed, the Annual Average Amount derived from the Mines before 1810 431
Some general Observations upon Mexico as a Mining Country; with an Inquiry as to the Probability of her being enabled by her Mineral Treasures to multiply her Commercial Relations with Europe, and to acquit the Interest of whatever Loans she may have contracted there 466
Additional Remarks 482