Page:Mexico (1829) Volumes 1 and 2.djvu/30

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A. — Extracts from a Representation addressed to the Viceroy of Buenos Ayres, by the Apoderado (Agent) of the Landholders of the Province, (referred to in p. 86.) 489
B. — Representation of the American Deputies to the Cortes of Spain, 1st August 1811. (p. 101.) 492
C. — Representation addressed to the Cortes by the Audiencia of Mexico. Dated 18th Nov. 1813. (p. 162.) 497
D. — (Confidential Letter of the Viceroy Calleja, addressed to the Minister of War, but containing a private Report upon the Mexican Revolution, for the information of His Majesty Ferdinand VIL (p. 162.) 512
E. — Plan of Iguala. (p. 198.) 524