Page:Mexico and its reconstruction.djvu/346

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Nahuatl, 19
National Railways of Mexico, General Mortgage four per cent gold bonds, 71
National Railways of Mexico, General Mortgage four per cent gold bonds, 72
Native population of Mexico, 26
Neuvo Leon, population of, 26
Oaxaca, population of, 14
Oaxaca, population of, 16
Obrégon, 5 ,
Obrégon, 53
Obrégon, 75
Obrégon, 174
Obrégon, 263
Occupations of Mexicans, 24
lack of accurate census of, 24
Ochre exported from Mexico, 189
exported from Mexico, 191
exported from Mexico, 206
status of, during and after Diaz régime, 206
status of, during and after Diaz régime, 257
status of, during and after Diaz régime, 261-264
Oil regions of Mexico, effect of development of, on industry, 180
Otomi, 19
Ord, General, 280-282
Ord Order, 281
Palacio, Vincente Riva, 229
Petroleum, status of, in Mexico, 218
Petroleum, status of, in Mexico, 258-260
Petroleum, status of, in Mexico, 262
Peonage system in Mexico, 115
Peonage system in Mexico, 117
Peonage system in Mexico, 121
Peonage system in Mexico, 129
Peonage system in Mexico, 130
Peonage system in Mexico, 133
Philippines, Mexican trade relations with, 190
Pious Funds dispute, 298
Polk, General, 283
Population of Mexico, 10-27
Americans, 25
Chinese, 26
Cubans, 26
English, 25
foreigners, 25
French, 25
French, 26
Germans, 25
Germans, 26
Guatemalans, 26
Population of Mexico:
in Aguascalientes, 12
in Campeche, 16
in Chiapas, 13
in Chiapas, 16
in Chihuahua, 26
in Coahuila, 13
in Coahuila, 26
in Guerero, 16
in Jalisco, 14
in Michoacan, 14
in Michoacan, 16
in Nuevo Leon, 26
in Oaxaca, 14
in Oaxaca, 16
in Puebla, 13
in Sonora, 13
in Sonora, 26
in Tarahumaras, 16
in Tarascas, 16
in Tepehuanas, 16
in year 1890, 13
in year 1910, 13
in Yucatan, 13
in Yucatan, 16
Indian tribes, 16
lack of accurate census of, 11
literacy of, 22-24
literacy of, 27
Mayas, 11
mestizo, 17
Miztecs, 16
native, 26
occupations of, 24
religion of, 19-22
Spanish, 25
Spanish, 26
white, 14
white, 16-18
white, 26
Yaquis, 11
Yaquis, 16
Zapotecs, 11
Zapotecs, 16
Printing, in Mexico, 176
Protestants in Mexico, 22
Public income and expenditure, Mexican, 94-103
See also Taxing System of Mexico.
Puebla, population of, 12
Quicksilver, importation of, into Mexico, 202
Racial development of Mexico, 14
Racial development of Mexico, 16