Page:Mexico and its reconstruction.djvu/347

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Railroads in Mexico, 162-174
demoralization of, 171-173
demoralization of, 174
establishment of, 162
advantages as a result of, 169
attitude of United States toward, 163
effect of, on economic condition, 169
effect of, on economic condition, 171-173
effect of, on international relations, 169
Mexican Central Railroad, 168
Mexican Central Railroad, 243
Mexican National Railroad, 168
Mexican National Railroad, 243
public policy, before Diaz régime, 163-168
during Diaz régime, 163-166
during Diaz régime, 168-171
during Diaz régime, 174
reëstablishment of, 173
Railway equipment, importation of, into Mexico, 202
Religion, of Mexicans, 19-22
Reyes, Bernardo, 38
Romero, Matias, estimation of wages of day laborers in 1896 by, 136
Root, Elihu, 294
Rubber exported from Mexico, 210
Rum, manufacture of, in Mexico, 178
Santa Ana, 223
Santa Ana, 228
Silk industry in Mexico, 176
Silk industry in Mexico, 182
Silver, Mexican:
coining of, 175
exports of, 189
exports of, 191
exports of, 218
supply of, 206
supply of, 218
value of, 85
value of, 218
Sisal, production and exportation of, 209
Sonora, population of, 13
Sonora, population of, 26
Spain, trade regulations of, for Mexico, 187
Spain, trade regulations of, for Mexico, 190
Spaniards in Mexico, 25
Spaniards in Mexico, 26
Spanish conquest of Mexico:
economic development under, 104
economic development under, 187
economic development under, 220
taxes during, 95
Spanish land policy, 149
Spanish language in Mexico, 19
Stockraising in Mexico, 184
Sugar in Mexico, 178
Sugar in Mexico, 184
Sulphur exported from Mexico, 189
Taft, William Howard, 295
Tarahumaras, 16
Tarascas, 16
Tariff system:
before Diaz régime, 192
during Diaz régime, 199
during Diaz régime, 202
Taxation system in Mexico, 59
Taxation system in Mexico, 62
Taxation system in Mexico, 4-100
and concessions, 241
and foreign property, 259-264
bullion tax, 97
consumption taxes, 59
during Diaz regime, 100
during period following Spanish rule, 96-98
during period of Spanish rule, 94-97
federal, 100
for land, 102
license, 100
lottery tax, 96
lottery tax, 100
for commerce, 59
for commerce, 96
for commerce, 198
internal (alcabala), 96
internal (alcabala), 97
internal (alcabala), 99
for industry, 59
for precious metals, 84
for professions (patente), 59
for property, 59
paper tax, 96
poll taxes, 60
predial, 100