Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/611

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INDEX. H Haekel, E., The Pedigree of Man (tr.) ( viii. 456. HALDANE, J. S. (a) Life and Mechan- ism, ix. 27. HALDANE, R. B. (b) Hegelianism and Psychology, iii. 568. HALL, G. S. (a) The Muscular Percep- of Space, iii. 433 ; Philosophy in the United States, iv. 89 ; Laura Bridg- inau, 149 ; Reaction-time and Atten- tion in the Hypnotic State, viii. 170 ; Bilateral Asymmetry of Function, ix. 93; Motor Sensations on the Skin, 557. (b) Eecent Researches on Hypnotism, vi. 98 ; Experimental Psychology, x. 245. Hall, G. S., on the Perception of Colour, (G. ALLEN) iv. 267 ; Aspects of German Culture, vi. 444. Hallucinations, with Supplementary Note, (E. GURNEY) x. 161, 316. HAL.STEAD, G. B. (b) "W. S. Jevons's Criticism of Boole's Logic, iii. 134. HAMILTON, E. (b) G. H. Lewis's Doctrine of Sensibility, iv. 256 ; Death of, vii. 319. Hammond, W. A., Diseases of the Ncrroui System (6th ed.), i. 436. Handley, M. S., First Lessons in Phil- osophy, viii. 618. Happiness or Welfare, (F. POLLOCK) ii. 269. Hardy, E., Der Bcgriff der Physis in dcr Griechischcn Philosophic, x. 149. Hardy, K. S., Manual of Budhism (2nd ed.), v. 437. HARLEY, R. (a) The Stanhope Demon- strator, iv. 192. Harms, F., Die Philosophic seit Kant, ii. 133 ; Die Philosophic in ihrer Gc- schichte, iii. 292. HARPER, T., (a) The Word, viii. 372. Harper, T., The Metaphysics of the School (I.-III. 1), v. 289, vi. 441, ix. 464 ; (J. B. GIHSON) vii. ]14, 261, ix. 583. Harpf, A., Die Ethik dcs Protagoras, is. <;i3. Harris, G., Nature and Constitution of Man, i. 438. Hartmann, E. v., Krit. Grundlegung dcs Tru * ,ns, (J. S. HF.MM:KSON) i. 407; Fhiinomenologic & M, iv. 112, (W. (J. Cori'LAND) 278 ; Zur Gesch. U. ti'<ir/in<Ii/,!ii dcs Pessiinixinux, vi. 150, (.F. SUI.L'Y) 285; L Ben r Menschlicit, vii. 156, (C. HEAD) 288; Li,- Religion dcs Geistcs, viii. 139 ; PkUotophy of the Unconscious (tr.), ix. 466. HARTWELL, E. M. (a) Bilateral Asym- metry of Function, ix. 93. Hatch, V. M., The Moral Philosophy of Aristotle, v. 435. Haureau, B., Histoirc de la Philosophie Scolastique (II. 1), v. 586. Hawkins, J. , Phases of Modern Doctrine, iii. 291. Hayem, A., L'fitre Social, vi. 444. Hazard, R. G., Man a Creative First Cause, ix. 157. Hedonical Calculus, The, (F. Y. EDGE- WORTH) iv. 394. Hedonism and Ultimate Good, (H. SIDGWICK, T. H. GREEN) ii. 27, 26i3. Hegel, G. W. F., The Philosophy of Art (tr.), vi. 149 ; An Exposition and Criticism of, (A. SETH) vi. 513. Hegelian Contributions to English Phil- osophy, Recent, (T. M. LINDSAY) ii. 476. Hegelianism and Psychology, (R. B. HALDAXE) iii. 568. Hegelisms, On some, (W. JAMES) vii. 186. Heidenhuin, R., Animal 'Magnetism (tr.), v. 583. Heine, H., Religion and Philosophy in Germany (tr.), vii. 451. HELMHOLTZ, H. (a) The Origin and Meaning of Geometrical Axioms, i. 301, iii. 212. Hflmholtz, H. L. F., On the Sensations f Tone (tr. 2nd ed.), x. 612. Heman, C. F., Die Ersclc hi n(i,'. iii der }'nii.rn-iniinivj, vi. 598. HENDERSON, J. S. (a) Lord Ambe: Metaphysics, ii. 55. (c) See C. Her- mann, E. v. Hartmann. Henle, J. , Anthropologische Vortrdge, ii. 433. Herbart, J. F., Sammtliche Wcrke (I.), viii. 140. Herbert, T. M., The Realistic Assump- tions of Modern Science examined, iv. 145, (R. An.v.MS'ix) 570. Hereditary Transmission of Injuries to the Nervous System, IJrown-Sequarl on, i. 134. Heredity. F. Galton on a Theory of, i. 267. Ilcrt'nrd, C. H. , The Stoics as Teachers, viii. 136.

Iennann, C. , Sprachioissenschaft na<-/t-

//</</// /.: :,/,< mil Logik, J. S. HKNUKKSOX) i. 260; Dcr . , ii. 433 ; ffrtjcl if. di-: Imjische Frarjr "'ilosophie der G' wart, iii. 582.