Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/612

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INDEX. XI Hermann, L. , Handbuch der Physio- logic. (III.), v- 587. HERZEN, A. (b) The Physical Law of Consciousness, iv. 268 ; Temperature and Touch, 298. Herzen, A. , Analisifisioloyica del Libcro Arbitno Umano, iv. 294. Heymons, C., E. v. Hartmann, vii. 453. Hill, A. , The Flan of the Central Ncrvoui System, x. 612. Hinton, C. H., Scientific Romances, (I., II.), x. 467, 613. Hinton, J., (J. F. PAYNE) i. 247 ; Life and Letters of, iii. 289 ; Chapters on the Art of Thinking, iv. 289 ; Philo- sophy and Religion, (S. H. HODGSON) vii. 255 ; His Later Thought (H. H. ELLIS) ix. 384 ; The Law-breaker and the Coming of the Law, x. 138. HIRST, T. A. (b) Logic and the Ele- ments of Geometry, iii. 564. History, The Science of, (J. M. MAO- DONALD) x. 363. Hobbes, T., F. Tonnieson, v. 155 ; Col- lation of MSS. of, ix. 618. Hochegger, R., Die geschichtliche F.nt- wicklung des Farbensinnes, x. 148. Hodgson, J. M., Philosophy and Faith, x. 301. HODGSON, R. (a) The Consciousness of External Reality, x. 321. (b) Feel- ings of Relation, x. 250. (c) See Essays in Philosophical Criticism. HODGSON, S. H. (a) Philosophy and Science, i. 67, 223, 351 ; On Causa- tion, iv. 500 ; W. G. Ward on Free- will, v. 226 ; C. Renouvier's Philo- sophy : Logic Psychology, vi. 31, 173 ; The Metaphysical Method in Philosophy, ix. 48 ; Free-will and Compulsory Determinism, x. 532. (b) M. Arnold on Descartes' ' Cogito ergo sum,' i. 568 ; Kant's Analytic and Synthetic Judgments, ii. 118; Reply to A. Main on ' Cogito ergo sum,' 128 ; The 'Achilles and Tortoise,' v. 386; Free-will : A Rejoinder to W. G. Ward, vi. 107 ; Subjectivity in Phil- osophy, viii. 92. (c) See J. Hinton. Hodgson, S. H. , On G. H. Lewes's view of Philosophy, (A. MAIN) i. 292 ; On 'Cogito ergo sum,' (A. MAIN, with Reply) ii. 126, 128 ; The Philosophy of Reflection, iii. 424, (C. READ) v. 60 ; The Relation of Philosophy to Science, x. 142. Holland, Psychology in, (T. M. LIND- SAY) i. 144. Holmes-Forbes, A. W., The Science of Beauty, vi. 292. Hopkins, E., Life and Letters of James Hinton, iii. 289. Hoppe, J. J., Die Schein-Beicegungen,- iv. 293 : Das Auswendiglcrncn, x. 153. Horny, F. W., Die Utilitarische Moral- philosophic in England, viii. 141. Honvicz, A., Psychologische Analyscn (II., 2), iii. 294; Mora 7 ische Briefe, iii. 581 ; On the Organic Sensations, (J. SULLY) vii. 302. Huber, J. , Die Forschung nach der Matcrie, (R. ADAMSON) iii. 389 ; Death of, iv. 603. Hughes. T., Economy of Thought, i. 154. Hunter, W. A., Exposition of Roman Law, i. 575. Huxley, T. H,, Hume, (EDITOR) iv. 270. Hypnotic State, Reaction-time and Attention in the, (G. S. HALL) viii. 170. Hypnotism, Recent Researches on. (G. S. HALL) vi. 98 ; The Stages of, (E. GURNEY) ix. 110 ; Visual Hallucina- tions in, (A. BINET) ix. 413 ; The Problems of, (E. GURNEY) ix. 477. Hypotheses, The Use of, (J. VENN) iii. 43. Hypothetical Syllogisms, (F. B. TAR- BELL) viii. 578. Idealism in Kant, The Question of, (J. H. STIRLING) viii. 525. Idiosyncrasy, (G. ALLEN) viii. 487. ' If,' The Logic of, (EDITOR) ii. 264. Illusions, La Rectification des, par 1'appel aux Sens, (A. BINET) ix. 206. Imagery, Statistics of Mental, (F. GALTON) v. 301. Infant, Biographical Sketch of an, (C. DARWIN) ii. 285 ; Notes on an, (F. H. CHAMPNEYS) vi. 104. Irinervation and Consciousness, Central, (W. WUNDT) i. 161. Insanity, Daniel on Contagion of, i. 272. Instinctive Action, Definition of, (J. SULLY) vi. 114. Introspection, Illusions of, (J. SULLY) vi. 1. Introspective Investigation, An, (H. TRAVIS) ii. 22. Introspective Psychology, On some Omissions of, (W. JAMES) ix. 1. Intuition, Definition of, (W. L. DAVID- SON) vii. 304 ; And Inference, (D. G. THOMPSON) iii. 339, 468. Italy, Philosophy in. (G. BARZELLOTTI) iii. 505.