Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/330

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Columbian Liberty Bell Committee,

1505 Penna. Ave., Washington, D. C. 

To the Daughters of the American Revolution: —

It has been determined to create a Columbian Liberty Bell, to be placed by the lovers of liberty and peace in the most appropriate place in the coming World's Exposition at Chicago. After the close of the Exhibition this bell will pass from place to place throughout the world as a missionary of freedom, coming first to the capital of the nation under the care of our society.

Then it will go to Bunker Hill or Liberty Island, to the battle-field of New Orleans (1812), to San Francisco, to the place where any great patriotic celebration is being held, until 1900, when it will be sent to the next World's Exhibition, which takes place at Paris, France. There it will continue until that Exhibition closes.

When not in use in other places, it will return to Washington under the care of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Washington will be its home, and from there it will journey from place to place, fulfilling its mission throughout the world.

The following is the proposed use of the bell : It shall ring at sunrise and sunset; at nine o'clock in the morning on the anniversaries of the days on which great events have occurred marking the world's progress toward liberty; at twelve o'clock on the birthdays of the “creators of liberty;” and at four o'clock it will toll on the anniversaries of their death. (It will always ring at nine o'clock on October 11th, in recognition of the organization on that day of the Daughters of the American Revolution.) . . . The responsibility of its production, and the direction of its use, have been placed in the hands of a