Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/331

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committee of women representing each State and Territory, one representative from each Republic in the world, and a representative from the patriotic societies, — Daughters and Sons of the American Revolution, the Lyceum League of America, the Society of German Patriots, the Human Freedom League, and kindred organizations.

The National Board of Management has placed upon me the responsibility of representing the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution upon the General Committee, and this circular is sent to every member of the society, asking for her personal cooperation in making the undertaking successful. In creating the bell it is particularly desired that the largest number of persons possible shall have a part in it. For this reason small contributions from many persons are to be asked for, rather than large contributions from a few. They are to be of two kinds: —

First: Material that can be made a part of the bell; articles of historic interest will be particularly appreciated gold, silver, bronze, copper, and nickel can be fused.

Second: Of money with which to pay for the bell. Each member of the society is asked to contribute one cent to be fused into the bell, and twenty-five cents to pay for it. She is also asked to collect two dollars from others, in pennies, if possible, and send with the amount the name of each contributor. In order that the bell shall be cast April 30th, the anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington as the first President of the United States, we ask every one receiving this circular to act at once.