Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/433

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Meanwhile, I should be grateful if you would refer me to any one in this country who is interested similarly, for I get more kicks than halfpence in discussing it.

Your obliged friend,(Rev.) I. G. W. Bishop,

Bovington Vicarage, Hemel Hampstead,
Herts, England.

Extract from a letter to Rev. M. B. G. Eddy

A gentleman here had hired all the most skilled doctors in the United States — nothing helped him. He was a ghost to look upon. I told him just to read my copies of your books. I talked to him, told him what he could do for himself if he but tried. He laughed at me. I was willing he should laugh, for it was very unusual for him to do this. He had your books two months, and last Sunday he returned them. I wish you could see him: he is well. He is happy, and told me he was going to write to you for the books for himself this week. — E. E. B.

Dear Madam: — I have been a sickly person all my life, until a few months ago, and was confined to my bed every little while. It was during one of many attacks that your book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” was handed me. I read it only a very short time, when I arose, well, went out into the kitchen, prepared a large dinner, and ate heartily of it.

I have been up and well ever since, — a marvel to my friends and family, and sometimes they can hardly believe it is I; and feeling so grateful, I must tell you of