Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/434

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it. I wish everybody in the world would read your book, for all would be benefited by it.

Gratefully yours,Anna M. Smith.

Dear Madam: — About seven years ago I was compelled to go to an oculist and have an operation performed upon my eyes. He fitted me with glasses, which I wore for a considerable time, and then removed; but the pain and difficulty returned, and I was obliged to go again to the oculist, who advised me never to take my glasses off again.

I continued wearing them for fully five years longer, until some time in last January, when, upon reading your book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” I again took them off. Since that time, though I have been in the courts reporting, and reading fine notes frequently, I have experienced no difficulty with my eyes.

Very respectfully,
William A. Smith, Wilmington, Del.

Dear Mrs. Eddy: — We have been studying “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” for a year, and I cannot tell you how much it has done for us; giving us health instead of sickness, and giving us such an understanding of God as we never had before. Christian Science was our only help two weeks ago, when our baby was born. My husband and myself were alone. I dressed myself the next day; commenced doing my work the third day, and am well and strong. It must be pleasing to you to know how much good your work is doing.

Kittie Beck, Elmwood, Cass Co., Neb.