Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/435

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I was a helpless sufferer in August, 1883, and had been so for many years. The physicians said I had cancer of the uterus. I heard of your book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” bought a copy, began reading it, and a great light seemed to break through the darkness. I cried aloud in joy, “This is what I have been hungering for, these many years!” I studied it closely, and healed myself and several of my friends before I had taken instruction of any teacher.

Mrs. S. A. McMahon, Wyandotte, Kans. 

I was healed thoroughly of the belief of chronic hepatitis and kidney disease, by reading “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.” I have never, to this day, had the slightest return of it.

J. P. Filbert, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 

You, dear Mrs. Eddy, have saved my life, through Science and Health; and I feel that the patients healed through me should give the first thanks to God and to you. — Mrs. D. S. Harriman, Kansas City, Mo.

How grand your book, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” is! It is a translation of Truth. No amount of money could buy the book of me, if I could not get another. No matter what suffering comes, physical or mental, I have only to take Science and Health, and almost invariably the first sentence brings relief. It